23 April 2010

Runes of Magic Guild Castle controls - Construction

This is probably one of the more undeveloped aspects of the guild castles expansion, as there are relatively few things you can do in this regard so far, so this section will be relatively brief.

There are three options that you can currently access and manipulate in this area.

First, as you may have noticed when you initially entered your guild castle, the inner keep does not have a gate on it, allowing anyone that breaches your walls or bashes down your gate to just walk right in and see who's home. To correct this situation, we are going to add a gate.

On your Guild Castle control window (mentioned in the previous post), click on "Guild con ..." to display the dropdown window of additional features.

From there, you want to double left-click on "3 Main city(1) Guild Castle Main Building(1/4)" (step 2, highlighted above) to reach the inner keep's sub-menu, and additional options.

Left click on "2 Inner gate(1) Main Fortress Gate" to highlight it in blue (as shown above, and click on the center button at the bottom of the window to complete the construction. (Currently, the inner gate appears to have no cost. Vortex had next to nothing left after getting the castle.)

In a similar manner, you may add another teleport disk to the ground outside of your castle, inside the outer gate, across from the original teleport disk. (Why there are two there, I have no idea. GMs?) The additional teleport disk also appeared to be a no-cost item, at the time of this posting.

You will see where construction may be completed by having the "Guild con ..." window open, and looking around your castle for hookpoints like this on the ground:

(This is the Throne Hookpoint, located on level 2.)

The last item we're able to add to our castles is one that I have heard is directly related to guild castle wars, and that is the castle's throne. (This construction is currently set to cost your guild 100,000 gold, 0 guild rubies, 10,000 ore, and 10,000 wood, 10,000 herbs, 5,000 guild runes/magic essence, and 0 champion's core.)

There has been a great deal of hearsay, rumor, and conjecture about how castle wars will function, but GM Icarii has assured me that steps will be taken to prevent high-powered guilds from attacking lower level or non-pvp guilds and/or guilds on the PvE server in general.

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