01 May 2010

RuneScape HP, damage, energy, item dupe Hack

RuneScape HP, damage, energy, item dupe Hack -nRuneScape Hacks
Here is a list of hacks that are out there today:

* Stat changer - Says it's going to change your stats, but requires your username and password, which gets sent to someone who THEN STEALS your password AND account.
* HP Hacks - Supposedly keeps your HP at max or over the limit, but what it really does is either keylog your system, install a backdoor for someone to take control of your sorry ass and your computer, or just a fucking virus, that will destroy your computer from the inside out.
* 1 Hit KO!!! - Same as above.
* Password Cracker - They are REAL! Some work, but you have a 1% chance of success! Good luck stealing Zezima's account, fucker! Also, many of these could be keylogged or infected, and not even work period! The ones that AREN'T infected and WORK are simply bruteforcers. They try every possible combination, which would inevitably take 3 years or more. I hope your CPU won't die during that time period
* Item Duper/Spawner - Spawn weapons, or even duplicate your items! OH MY GOD AMAZING! Well, sucks to be you, because many of them might request a password and username, meaning YOUR ACCOUNT IS STOLEN LOLOL! Also, they might be infected, and they DO NOT WORK--

Every time you log in, whatever you say, whatever you do, whatever you spend, whatever you buy, whatever you trade, whenever you die, whenever you take damage, whenever you give damage, it is ALL STORED in one place, and that is most likely a server based computer at the Jagex work place. This means you cannot simply edit your HP at all. The HP is constantly edited by itself when you take damage in game. For example:
You have 50 HP
A goblin does 49 Damage to you (noob ass)
This information is immediately saved to the outside computer via the internet, you cannot retrieve it.

And if RuneScape were CLIENT SIDED:
You could edit HP
You could edit anything
You could possibly edit damage
You could edit energy
You could item dupe

BUT, SINCE IT SUX2BU, RuneScape's accounts and information are all stored in a computer(s), only to be accessed by authorized jagex members or super-duper-omega-l337 hacker, which you are likely not, considering you're even LOOKING for RuneScape hacks.

----RuneScape HP, damage, energy, item dupe Hack---

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