24 April 2010

Allods Online The League Guide

In Allods Online, the Holy Land is much like the Wild West and once the words “X player now has a chance to prove themselves in combat” flash across the screen then it lets you know that no where is safe and everyone is fair game.

Now the highlight of the Holy Land is that players can earn some great gear from PvP’ing the opposing side by earning Combat Glory and unlocking new equipment at the Quartermasters in the Trade District of Novograd. Another cool part about the Holy Land is that there are plenty of repeatable quests available to stock up on healing supplies and cash. However, be warned that the Holy Lands can seriously dampen the moods of many Allods' players due to its heavy reliance on PvP and the take-no-prisoners mentality exhibited by other players who venture through the Holy Lands.

A body guard or two is invaluableUnlike other zones in Allods, where the mobs are in specific areas and players can gauge their chances of beating opponents based on keeping a distance and scoping out the levels of the bad guys, the Holy Lands is open to all players of all levels. This means that while staying in a relatively “safe” area of Asee-Teph there’s still the chance that hostile Imperial players could be camping the area just waiting to pounce.

The best way to protect yourself is not in buying the best armor and weapons, although, the best armor and weapons do help a heck of a lot – the best way to protect oneself is partying! Yes, staying in a party or a raid is the only way to protect yourself when venturing throughout the Holy Lands when you're level 30 and under. Parties are a great way to spot out opposing PvP players and also in helping get reputation quests done quickly. Added to this, even if you have your "Flag of War" turned off, someone with a War Banner could easily come along and wipe your face into the ground. Alternatively, look at it this way: you know how they say you need to join a gang in prison to stay safe? Well, imagine the Holy Lands as a prison and the only way to survive is to join a gang.

--Allods Online The League Guide--

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