13 February 2010

Runes of Magic Guild Castle Guide

Any guilds in Runes of Magic starting from level 7 can build their own fortress. Guild members can meet there to plan new adventures, share stories of past activities or prepare against imminent attacks.

In order to build a guild fortress, the contribution of every guild member is required. It’s only as a group that the guild can afford the costs in terms of gold, ore and wood that are involved in laying the foundations for their own home. Only after handing over these resources will the guild receive the construction permission from the Guild Castles Administrator in Varanas and only then can they begin to have some thoughts on the fitting out of their new base. The guild castle will then be erected automatically.

The fortress lies in an instanced area and can be reached via the Guild Castle Administrator in Varanas and other NPCs. The guild can decide whether their fortress should be open to visitors, or whether they prefer it to be kept closed. Each fortress offers a number of features and plenty of space for smaller communal rooms or larger guild gatherings. These can all be fitted out by the players with freely placeable furnishing items. Furniture is however only for decoration purpose and will lose any bonus effects. Guilds can even acquire an expensive throne for their castle. The guild leaders decide who is able to install and move furniture

In addition, the fortress also has a central vault for all of the members. Initially, the guild has 100 slots at its disposal in which treasures and resources can be stored. The guild leaders can control the use of the vault and decide who has access to the slots.

It is also possible to acquire items of very practical use in exchange for resources: Upgrades such as gates which can be opened and closed secure the entrances to the castle. Teleporters can also be installed in certain places in the castle and serve as a route back into the world of Taborea.
The foundation stone has been laid

The higher the level of a guild fortress, the better it will be equipped and the wider will be the range of features which a guild can then implement in its fortress.

The fortress can be upgraded with special technology tree buildings in exchange for resources. Currently these are for example: an academy, a forge, a library, a guard tower and stables. New buildings can be unlocked just like in real-time strategy games. For instance, the forge is only available after building an academy.

These buildings provide special bonus effects to the guild members: spending time studying in the library will partially reduce XP debt, stables will grant a temporary bonus on riding speed.
Defensive Walls

The possibility to attack the guild fortresses of rival factions is a feature planned for the future. But be careful, a guild fortress is a bulwark of tree trunks, iron and stone. Depending on the level of individual guilds, there are a number of defensive accessory options available. Multiple gates and walls will keep the enemy away from the heart of the fortress. Parapets allow the attacking of any storming opponents from strategically advantageous positions with arrows and magic, so that they can be held in check. Trapdoors let the close combat warriors appear in the midst of their adversaries and so let them use the advantage of surprise. So it’s well worth formulating a decent plan, if you're going to consider attacking a guild in their own castle.

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