26 February 2010

Travian Cheats Tools

Travian Cheats Travian QP Targets

Quick Target Features

* Quick Scout - binoculars icon - sends scouts to village (configurable)
* Quick Fake - attack icon - sends fake to village (configurable)
* Quick Farm - farms village on scout report (ingame configurable)
* Quick Hero - hero raids oasis - useful for conquering and early hero leveling

Report List Features

* Select all messages checkbox - like Plus
* Next Page Shortcut Key - SPACE
* Auto Report Delete per report type - 1 click deletes all report of that type

Message List Features

* Select all messages checkbox - like Plus
* Next Page Shortcut Key - SPACE

Messages / Ingame Forum Messages Features

* Coordinates Link To Target - ingame format coordinates: X|Y link to the target map location
* URIs Link To URIs - useful for user, alliance, reports, ...

Dorf1 - Resource Fields

* Resource Field Levels color coded (max'ed out / upgradeable / not upgradeable / )

Dorf2 - Inner City - Buildings

* Building Levels color coded (max'ed out / upgradeable / not upgradeable / )

Rally Point Features

* Village Troops Total - wherever they are
* Troop Group Links - jump to "troop the the way" or others
* Village Reinfs Away Coordinates
* Slowest Incoming Unit
* Send Troops Back Real Time

Marketplace Send Resources Features

* Overflow/Depletion Times - considering arriving all mercs
* Cumulative Resource Arrival (with times) - considering arriving all mercs
* Merchants Used - changing the resources to send shows merchants needed and the excess/available load
* Autocomplete - like Plus, auto completes own village names
* SendResourcesConfirmation - send to self autofocuses on ok (hit enter)
* Market Easy Send Resource Quantities (times 0, plus times 2, plus times 5)

Marketplace Offer Features

* Show complete information - Max hours and alliance only

Hero's Mansion Features

* Complete Hero Status

Residence / Palace Culture Points Features

* Total Villages available
* Time for next villages

Send Troops Features

* Delayed Send Troops - send attack after X time (needs improved interface)
* Autocomplete - like Plus, auto completes own village names

All Pages

* Title fix - put page header on title (on tab)
* Current village resources production
* Current village resources overflow/deplete timers

Single Village Features

* Adds Village List - usefull internally (and more, see instructions)


* WW Village coords
* Diplomacy Highlight


* Contruction Plan Village holder coords
* Diplomacy Highlight

Buildings / Fields / Troops / Research

* Time To Build - Each resource missing and timer to make stuff
* NPC Time To Build - Total resources missing and timer for total resources to make stuff with NPC merchant link


* Learn Diplomacy - Interactive learning of diplomacy groups
* Player Highlight - similar to statistics highlighting
* Alliance Attacks Diplomacy Warning Highlight - color code regarding diplomacy


* Plus Color Coded Villages - Villages show diplomacy using Plus color code

Plus 13x13 Map

* Plus 13x13 Map with Color Coded Villages

Instruction details

* Send Troops Back Real Time
o Shows the correct time for the troops to go go back to the originating town
o For special case of Hero reinforcement, Hero Troop Type needs to be learnt:
+ Visit the Heroes Mansion when you have the Hero created and everytime you change the Hero type
+ Hero can be any of multiple types of troops => and speeds
+ Hero reinforcement: reinforcing other players, oasis, your towns that do NOT have Heroes Mansion
+ Not Hero reinforment: moving hero to another of your towns with Heroes Mansion
* Rally Point - Slowest Incoming Unit
o Only works on incoming units from other players - when you only get "?" instead of numbers of the incoming units
o Shows the slowest incoming unit based on the time until the attack
o If the distance if bigger than 30, the Tournament Square (TS) can affect speed, so a drop down list is shown with the possibility of choosing the TS level
o Notice that if you do not see the attack exactly when it starts, this may indicate a different unit. Eg.: 20h cata attack is launched, you only see it when 1h is missing to reach your town, of course probably the fastest horse is the estimated slowest unit in the attack.
* Learn Diplomacy
o In the alliance overview page bullets will appear near the confederacy, nap and war alliance groups
o Click the bullets to toggle the colors: grey -> green -> yellow -> red -> grey
o If a bullet is toggled to an already used color, the other bullet becomes grey so, go for red, then yellow, then green.
o Toggle them to get the following combination:
+ GREEN - Confederacy
+ RED - War
o After changing the bullet's colors, you need to visit that page again (so refresh it)
* Diplomacy Highlighting (Treasury, WW Statistics, Alliance Attacks)
o The color codes used are the "normal" colors
+ Green - Confederacy - Friendly alliances
+ Yellow - NAPs - Non Aggression Pact alliances
+ Red - War - Enemy alliances
+ Blue - Own Alliance - Your own alliance
o Additionally, at the Alliance Attacks, the attacks have the cell background as red when it is a warning: attacking confederacy, naps or the own alliance

# Map Village Colors

* After learning diplomacy going to a map will display the same colors as in Plus
* Ajax requests have been changed to normal page requests (at least for now). So moving around in the map makes you really get a new map page

# Time To Build

* If the warehouse and/or granary needs to be upgraded each respective image is shown
* Else, if any resource is missing some amount to complete any action:
o show each resource amount that is missing
o show a timer that indicates when is that amount going to be available
o when the timer reaches 0, the page refreshes so that the action is available and can be clicked

# NPC Time To Build

* If any resource is missing some amount to complete any action:
o If total available resources (TAR) > total needed resources (TNR):
+ show a gold coin link to the Market, NPC trading
o Else:
+ show a gold coin with the total missing resources
+ show a timer which indicates when will the TAR reaches the TNR
+ when the timer reaches 0, the gold coin becomes a link and the rest disappears

# Dorf1 - Resource Field Levels color code

* Green - max level achieved
* Yellow - upgradeable building with current resources
* Red - lack of resources to upgrade building (considers resources on page load)

# Dorf2 - Inner City Building Levels color code

* Green - max level achieved
* Yellow - upgradeable building with current resources
* Red - lack of resources to upgrade building (considers resources on page load)

# Rally Point Village Total Troops

* Additional table at the top of the Rally point (above the "overview | send troops | simulator" links) with the total of troops from this town, no matter where they are at the moment.

# Message Text to Links

* Coordinates to Link: ingame coordinates format only (just copy paste from profile): X|Y
* URI to Link: complete URI only. Accepted format: something before :// and then until a space or minor (a
is placed automatically at the end of a line). (regex: w+://[^s<] )

# Auto Report Delete

* Click the button in the new table for the report type you want to delete
* This will try indefinitely to delete all reports. It will stop when:
o it reaches an empty reports page
o the current page is not a reports list page
o the current page is a reports list page, but not either of these:
+ report list of the type to be deleted
+ report list of the type "all reports" - after deleting 1 page of a type the next page has this url
* As a result, if it is interrupted for any reason and no other page is visited (eg.: disabling script, ...) it may happen that this is resumed when the report list page is visited.
* If this happens, just visit any other page while the script is enabled and the action should be stopped

# Quick Scout / Quick Fake / Quick Hero

* on village links, the icons appear, just press and there they go
* if no available troops, troop sending is canceled on SendTroopsPage
* for now only configurable in the script (at the end, in the "CONFIG" vars)

# Quick Farm

* Appears on scout reports (resource scout reports)
* Raid/Attack pre-selection: raid = romans/teutons; attack = gauls (in case there are traps)
* Troop amounts pre-selection: based on resources available with extra carrying space (...)

# Quick Target Features

* Multitabbing
o different targets: send troops simultaneously (while other tabs still processing)
o same target: send troops one after the other (send, wait for all redirections, send next, ...)
* notice that sending a lot of troops in multiple tabs at the same time may slow the browser a little... yeah, don't send 50 at the same time :P

# Delayed Send Troops

* Set the arrival time, press the clock and the seconds to attack will appear
* Interface needs improving
* This is not exact... timeout skew, server delays...

# MarketPlace

* Resources Overflow/Depletion
o the script tries to understand which resources are arriving or are own merchants on the way
o once understood, that info is saved and the script will always be able to distinguish them
o easiest for the script to learn: make a trade (other town mercs arriving AND own merchants on the way)

# Residence / Palace Culture Points

* Here the script learns which type of server you're at: Classic (2.5), Normal (3) or Speed
* Until you have 3 villages, Classic and Normal will seem the same to the script, so as per default the CP shown will be for the Normal server type (script configurable)

# Complete Hero Status

* total kills needed for current level
* total kills needed for next level
* kills done for current level
* kills needed to get to the next level
* on mouse over of the "kills done on this level" cell, you get the total kills done

# Single Village

* visit the profile page to retrieve the name and coords of the village
* visit the dorf3 (Use the "Villages" link) to get the proper village id
* useful for getting to dorf3 early on
* useful for other features in this script
* usefull to activate scripts that only work on multiple villages
* remember to make sure this script is above all scripts that may need this

# Configurable variables

* some features can be enabled / disabled / changed by using the variables at the very end of the script

To Do

* Possible future features
o Improve Timers (lightweight timers - not sure how to test - increase load?) (30 - 900 - 5 - 60 - 1)
o Auto Avoid Attack - move troops away and cancel them to return after an attack (time configurable)
* Improvements
o Quick Farm - improve interface (now it is using english words)
o Quick Targets - if not enough troops, stop redirections at send troops confirmation (for a few seconds with cancel button?)
o Delayed Send Troops: Hop village in background so that you can prepare multiple attacks from multiple villages
o Market Send Resource Timers: when on negative production, add the possibility of the arriving resource maxing out the capacity - the rest it wasted
o Market Send Resource: limit total resources sent to current merchants in town
o Rally Point: Troop Group Links: try to make links without having the #
o Diplomacy - MAP color coded villages - would be nice to use the ajax
o Add distances information in several places - decide where (on village page, player page, ...)
o Continuously improve general performance - specially main
o Continuously improve debug info - little info at default level
o Refactor and reorganize the code - simplify continued development
* Features to be added
o Configurations - some need to be ingame
o Quick Targets - ingame fully configurable: quantities / attack types / cata targets
o Market Send: show each cumulative Arriving Totals per merchant arrival in scrolable table
o Market Send: show incoming resources in a graphic
o Target "Info" History - save "info" lines from attacks (ingame erasable) to display... somewhere (village link mouse-over?)
o Plus Feature: Archive IGMs/Reports
o Plus Feature: Notes
o Rally Point: Text to clipboard with the incoming attacks, town, granary, crop prod, curr crop,...
o Add a mailing list possibility to send IGMs to multiple people
o Add retrieve all reinforcement reports to a exportable format and put it in QP clipboard
o NPC Extra Building Planning - after reaching NPC add resources needed for any buildings and levels
* Requests
o Update this with posts information
* Known bugs
o delayed send troops timer may show strange values, but sends on time
o --- Currently none ---

Travian Cheats Travian Task Queue

Plan ahead as many actions as you wish.

* Build new buildings later.
* Upgrade existing buildings later.
* Send troops later.
* Train troops later.
* Research later.

Travian Cheats Travian: Attack builder

- Set up multiple waves
- Automatic sending of those waves in one click
- Catapult targeting available
- Multiple coordinates possible
- The village 'hopping'-problem is resolved
- Fast and easy mass scouting
- Time the arrival of an attack.
- Save presets of waves. (Alt+shift+[0-9] to save. Shift+[0-9] to load)

New features planed:
- Global and wave specific catapult targeting.
- show a 'total troops' column
- Specify a (circa) delay between waves.
- scouting target per wave basis.

Travian Cheats Travian Multi crop finder

Script shows villages, that have 9 or 15 crop fields.

Travian Cheats Travian: Hero Status

Look in Hero's mansion


Travian Cheats Travian Task Queue [With more Feature]

Schedule delayed constructions, upgrades and attacks.

Plan ahead as many actions as you wish.

* Build new buildings later.
* Upgrade existing buildings later.
* Send troops later.
* Train troops later.
* Research later.


* Schedule constructions and building upgrades by clicking "Build later" or "Upgrade later" links on the respective building site pages.
* Schedule attacks, raids, reinforcements by clicking the "Send later" button on the Send Troops page.
* Schedule training of new troops by clicking the "Train later" button in the Barracks, Stables, Workshop.
* Schedule researching in the Academy, Armory, and Blacksmith by clicking the appropriate links.
* The script works with the local time on your computer OR server time. Make sure your local time is set correctly no matter which option you use.
* To work in the server time, right-click Greasemonkey and select "Travian Task Queue: Use server time".
* You must stay logged to Travian and the web site must stay open in at least one tab.
* If the action cannot be performed at the scheduled time, it will be canceled. Depending on the type of action, this happens when: there is not enough resources or troops, something else is being built/upgraded.
* The script will work ONLY with the supported languages! Currently available are en, sk, ba, bg, cn, cz, de, dk, fr, net, fi, hk, hr, hu, it, lt, mx, nl, no, br, pt, pl, ro, ru, tr, se, si, us, uk.
If you wish to contribute by translating into other languages, see the Developers section please.


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