The only way to keep up with the latest about Runes of Magic Bot is to constantly stay on the lookout for new information. If you read everything you find about Runes of Magic Bot, it won't take long for you to become an influential authority.
Truthfully, the only difference between you and Runes of Magic Bot is time. If you'll invest a little more time in reading, you'll be that much nearer to expert status when Runes of Magic Bot comes to.
I have been hard at work on a Runes of Magic bot for the past 2 months. Finally, I have produced something that is worth sharing with everyone. The bot is able to run flawlessly for me overnight (although I can't guarantee you will get the same results right from the start), so I have decided to move the program into its open beta stage. Everyone can use the bot free of charge until open beta is over, which will likely not be for awhile. I want the software to be finely polished and rich with features first.
And here is a list of features, taken directly from my site:
Supports All Classes!
MMODrifter works perfectly with all classes. This includes full pet support for Wardens!
Powerful Skills and Items Editor
MMODrifter hosts an editor that allows the user to customize combat, buffing, healing, item usage, and more. You can set conditions to use an item or skill to ensure they are only used when YOU want them to be used! This allows for the most advanced combat system known to any bot on the market, while maintaining its ease of use for casual users.
Advanced Navigation System
MMODrifter allows you to tell it exactly where to go to find things to kill! In addition, MMODrifter's navigation system comes with dozens of extra functions to extended its utility, including the acceptance/completion of quests, ignoring mobs by name, using an item, and more!
Full Multiboxing Support
Want to make the bot control your Rogue, Mage, and Priest all at the same time? MMODrifter allows you to easily use the bot on an unlimited number of game accounts on the same computer, since the bot does not need Runes of Magic to be running in the foreground for it to work properly. This is especially useful for people who want to make REAL money on the game by selling gold or leveling accounts.
Optional Hacks
These hacks are completely optional, so if you do not want to risk getting banned, you can prevent them from being used. Hacks include speed hack, teleportation hack, and more.
No Programming Experience Required
Other bots require an intermediate level of programming experience from its users in order to function at its fullest potential. This is not the case with MMODrifter.
Automatic, Constant Upgrades
MMODrifter is constantly receiving upgrades, adding new features and functionality. When a new feature is released, it will be downloaded and installed automatically - no input is needed from you!
Quick Updates
If RoM gets patched, rest assured that we'll have the bot working again in no time!
Fast, Friendly and Informative Support
If you have any problems getting the bot running, you can contact a support representative or ask your question on the forums. All of our support representatives are American or Canadian, so rest assured you are in good hands.
If you've picked some pointers about that you can put into action, then by all means, do so. You won't really be able to gain any benefits from your new knowledge if you don't use Runes of Magic Bot .
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