25 April 2010

Three Kingdoms Online Governor's House Guide

Three Kingdoms Online Governor's House Guide

* The Governor's House is where civil duties with heroes are performed.


* Loyalty: The loyalty of your city. This will decline if you impose a tax or if you have negative resource output and the resources are zero. Citizens will leave your city if the loyalty is low enough.
* Residents: Citizens of your city, not including troops.
* Consumption: Food consumption.
* Residing Hero: The heroes that are stationed in that city
* Governor: You may appoint one of your heroes as the Governor. The politics attribute will affect resource output by a percentage.
* Output Bonus: Shows the resource output bonus that is applied by the governor.

City Status

* Inspect: Hero will inspect the city. Sometimes the loyalty will increase or you get resources. This can be done every hour.
* Impose Tax: Tax the citizens to get a small amount of resources. Doing this will decrease the loyalty of your city.
* Relieving: Give the citizens a potion of your resources to increase loyalty by 20 points. This can be done every 6 hours.
* Curfew: Used to stop lobbyist's efforts for 24 hours. This will decrease the loyalty of the city by 20 and can not be used if the loyalty is below 20.
* War Mode: In the state of War, only the food output of your city will double. This will last for 5 hours. When the state is over, your city will not produce any Food in 24 hours. You can not War Mode again during that period.

Building Queue

* The building queue shows the structures you are building. Normally you can only have two buildings at one time.

o You may have a resource and a city structure built at their normal time

o You may build two resource/city structures at the same time, however, one will be in the queue and the times will stack.

o If using the Emperor's Decree, you may put 2 extra structures in the queue.

o Wei gets an extra slot in the queue.

* Demolishing shows the structure that you are demolishing. (destroy)
* Scheduled Building shows structures that you have put in the auto build queue.
* Auto build can be used once the Emperor's Decree has been used.

Counsellor's Hint

* The councilor often gives information about the game. Sometimes he will give answers to the 3 Kingdoms Quiz in the daily quests. If you click on his portrait he will give a famous hero name to recommend for the Book of Heroes under daily quests in the quest tab.

Level 1:Appoint Governor,Inspect City,Impose Tax,Relieving;
Level 3:Curfew;
Level 5:War Mode;

Three Kingdoms Online Governor's House Cheats

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