25 April 2010

Three Kingdoms Online Rules

Three Kingdoms Online Rules

# Every state has a State Capital. Sixty (60) days after the server starts the capitals may be attacked.

# NPCs originally control the capitals. They must be eliminated to capture the capital. There are 10000 swordsmen, 5000 heavy infantry defending the county capitals. There are 20000 swordsmen, 10000 heavy infantry in state capitals.

# All the buildings are completely built and resources are fully upgraded. Players may not add or demolish buildings in the capitals.

# The amount of capitals one can capture depends upon their Nobility Rank. Generalissimo and Lords are able to occupy two(2) counties and two(2) State Capitals. Other ranks (including civilians) may only capture two(2) counties and one(1) state capital.

# Capitals do not occupy the player’s sub-city slot (commercial value is not a factor when capturing).

# If the an attack ends up in a draw, the city remains with its original owner.

# You may only use the Destroy Mode, rather than the Plunder Mode to invade capitals.

# Alliance forces’ attack will be automatically converted to support.

# Each time the capital is taken over by a new owner (other than the first time), the resource within the city are reduced by 1/2. All of the recruiting units are canceled. Deployments will also be canceled.

# When a capital is taken over, the current heroes are switched to wander status.

# Population in the capital is not taken into consideration in calculating the total population of the player. Neither does the commercial value nor city count.

# State Capitals cannot be renamed. Cannot be relocated with Capital Move Token or State Token.

# All capitals’ buildings are pre-built. Players cannot add, upgrade or demolish existing buildings.

# All available technologies for unit upgrades are researched.

# The basic resource field structure for capitals is 3 Wood, 3 Stone, 3 Iron and 9 Farm.

# State Capitals enjoy additional bonus features in resource output, recruitment speed, and movement speed.

# Wood, stone, iron output increase by 100%, food output increase by 150% , recruitment speed increase by 50% , movement speed increase by 50%.

# Players cannot attack capitals with Battering Rams, Demolishers or lobbyists.

# Capitals cannot use the functions within the Governor’s House such as Taxation, Relief, Curfew.

# Capitals can accept resources from other cities, but cannot export resources to other cities. The capital has an abundance of storage space (240,000 Warehouse, 960,000 Granary). Capitals are not restricted to use five resource packs a day. The use of resource packs is unlimited.

# All the owners of the capitals are restricted to how many troops they may mobilize. In another word, they can only deploy a certain number of troops simultaneously. (Generalissimo 4, Lord 3, Infante 2, other ranks 1.)

# Click on the “Emperor’s Road” button on the left hand panel. Players may check the ownership of the State Capitols. As well as the time needed for military forces to reach these targets.

# Each player may occupy 2 Counties and 2 State Capitals at most.

# All Wood, Stone, Iron resource fields are level 14. Food resource fields are level 19.

# There is only one National Capital in each region (purple). The most a player may capture is 1 Capitol (Yellow), 2 Capitals (purple), and 2 Counties (blue).

# The Capitol (Luo Yang) is different from any other city in the sense that it has a special Imperial Palace. The Imperial Palace may upgrade. The level of this palace is related to whether a player may be crowned as the emperor or not.

# Only after players have acquired two State Capitals can they acquire the National Capital (Luo Yang). Players who do not have possession of two state Capitals are allowed to attack the Capitol, though they cannot occupy it.

# Newly added Rank 1 nobility title: Emperor. To become the Emperor, one must have possession of the national capital, reach 2234400 for contribution value, acquire 4 State Capitals and fully upgrade the Imperial Palace.

Starting at level 5, every time the Imperial Palace upgrades, a group of Loyalists will attack the National Capital, till the Imperial Palace reaches level 20. At any point, if the player loses a State Capital or the National Capitol, or if they could not resist the wave of loyalists, then the Imperial Palace will return to level 5.

# Players that have reached the Emperor status are granted the following bonuses:

* Increase recruitment speed of all cities by 20%.
* Increase Contribution Value by 20 pts per Contribution Token.
* All army’s attack and defense increase by 15%.

# Newly added Rank 2 nobility title: Prime Minister. To become the Prime Minister, players need to have possession of the National Capital (Luo Yang), reach 1396500 pts of Contribution Value, and four State Capitals.

If the player loses the possession of the National Capital (Luo Yang) or have less than four State Capitals, then they lose the Prime Minister status as well.

# Players who become Prime Minister may enjoy the following benefits:

* Increase Contribution Value by 20 pts per Contribution Token.
* All army’s attack and defense increase by 15%.

# New Rank 2 nobility titles: Lord of Wei, Lord of Shu, Lord of Wu. To achieve one of these titles, players must reach 1396500 pts of Contribution Value and acquire at least one State Capital.

* Lord of Wei: Pu-yang of Yanzhou.
* Lord of Shu: Cheng-du of Yizhou.
* Lord of Wu, Jian-ye of Yangzhou.

# The titles of Lord of Wei, Shu and Wu offer the following benefits:

* All army’s attack and defense increase by 15%.

# New Rank 2 nobility title: Lord of Qin. To become the Lord of Qin, players must reach 2234400 pts of Contribution Value. After reaching the previous limit. The player with the highest Contribution Value of each server will be the Lord of Qin. The server recalculates every Saturday at 24:00 and issues a new title. The new Lord of Qin is in effect for one week.

# Players who obtain the title of Lord of Qin may enjoy the following benefits:

* Increase all army’s attack and defense by 15%.

# To see where you stand among other players in term of Contribution Value, we have added the Contribution Value Ranking. Players may easily view their Contribution Value and compare it to that of other players.

# One player may obtain multiple titles as long as they qualify the criteria. However, the title benefits do not stack. The player may only enjoy bonuses of the most beneficial title.

# When war occurs in the County Capitals, State Capitals and the National Capital, the chance to trigger the Empty City Strategy is limited to 25%. That goes for you too Zhuge Liang!


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