While there are currently no known cheat codes or other cheats that will work for this game, sometimes various glitches or loopholes arise that can help players win more easily or earn more money. When these arise, they will be posted on this page.
You can use the program to duplicate your poker chips up to 2-fold and can also be used to transfer the chips to your buddy without having to play on the table and are afraid that the 'banned' from Zynga.
Before the program trigger disweeping and bugnya in the same patch again Zynga, better hurry di'sedot 'aja. Because as a has-been, a tool like this will not last long. Within a few days certainly is not going to be used again. Of course! If ever allowed to drag on with no fixed at Zynga, the airport can be a big loss!
---Download Zynga Poker Chip Adder---
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