Anyone looking forward to The Secret World, the latest planned release from Funcom, should keep their eyes on the interweb for some big news on Thursday, March 25. Apparently, secrets will be revealed... we can only presume it will be a full-length gameplay trailer, as many are predicting, although a release date or more beta testing news would be nice. It's been quite a ride for Funcom since it launched science fiction MMORPG Anarchy Online way back in 2001. Despite a terrible launch the game is still plodding along, while some of its more illustrious neighbours have fallen by the wayside. However, it didn't seem to learn from its lessons, experiencing another poor release with its next online offering, Age of Conan, in 2008 (a real shame, as the game is turning out to be pretty good). We can only hope it gets its act together for The Secret World and releases a product some way closer to being the finished article.
Described as a "dark fantasy with supernatural elements", The Secret World will be set in the present day but with fantastical elements drawn from mythology and ancient civilisations. Artwork to date brings HP LOvecraft's Cthulhu mythos to mind, which would add a welcome new genre to the top flight MMORPG world.
The game mixes in some third-person action-adventuring with classic MMORPG qualities and looks to really add some new depth to the genre.
So far, the game looks like a cross between Left 4 Dead meets Silent Plot 1 and Fallen Earth meets Dead Rising, all fused in together. If I must say so myself, that’s not a half-bad set of combinations, especially if Funcom gets the shooting mechanics working right.
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