The following article lists some simple, informative tips that will help you have a better experience with GREAT gear Guide in Runes of Magic.
Truthfully, the only difference between you and GREAT gear Guide in Runes of Magic experts is time. If you'll invest a little more time in reading, you'll be that much nearer to expert status when it comes to GREAT gear Guide in Runes of Magic.
So here's a quick guide about how to create GREAT gear without using diamonds and how to play RoM efficiently with constrained finances. This guide is oriented towards people who have started learning the basics already and want to maximize their gear output with minimal financial investment.
Tip 1: 2 Stat fusion stones
1. Use 2-stat fusion stones (check out the addon Advanced Auctionhouse over at curse use this to find stones...)
2. In the Auction House, search for 2-stat fusion stones using the addon:
These stones cost ~50k each. If you want to create "starter" items until you transmute them onto a purple armor piece simply buy 3 matching two-stat fusion stones. (That way when you do the transmute, you have [dirty stat (i), dirty stat (i), and three stats that you want.)
3. If you want to make a T4 item: it will take 9 matching 2 stat fusion stones: Stamina i + Mist i fusion stones are usually some of the cheapest. These t4s will run you about 500k
4. If you want a T3 item fully statted: you only need 6 two-stat matching fusion stones. Throw your stats on four of the stones and do blank whites on the other two. This will only cost about 300k.
5. If you aren't a caster, there's no debate on this one: don't use Vahtos set (Scout/Rogue is the only build that would want to use Vahtos melee set due to their extraordinarily high crit rating.) Buy high dura accessories with rank 1 dirties on them (example +3 strength [strength i]) and transmute as mentioned above.
6. If you want a full set of fully statted t3 items as mentioned above you will only need 6*50k*(13 to 15 depending on class) = 3.9 to 4.5M.
Tip 2: Two reasons for Two stat fusion stones:
1. When using all puris, it will run you 1.2M*6 = 7.2M PER item = up to 108M gold. This is not for you if you don't want to CS.
2. You also save money when buying stats from others. An item with [Illumine VI, stamina i] is technically a dirty to the seller. For you, it's equivalent to a clean. Thus, it creates the negotiation in you favor. It automatically saves you the 1M surcharge for the sellers puri; you can also argue that the stat is a dirty (and to him/her... it is). Thus, you save money on stats you wanna buy.
3. Smelting [my 52 S/P] had 9,000 hp and 1870 dexterity and had only three items that were not made with 2 stat fusion stones. He used a Tier 6 bow and guess what: it is more than enough if you play your class well! (That's good news!)
Tip 3: Tiering a Weapon
1. It will take a ton of time / money to tier a weapon. In my opinion, it's worth it to save up roughly 5M and try to negotiate with someone to make you a set of Tier 7 stones. Save them and DO NOT waste them until you get your endgame weapon (until the next major update). Just farm chick for T4 stones and make yourself a T5 to use until you get your endgame weapon
Tip 4:A nice little booster to start out with....
1. There's always a stat that's relatively easy to get and sells well once you finish your last quest in the newest area: First it was Stamina X (ravenfell) then Stamina XI/ Intelligence X (WC). Then there's always Ability X (epic quest line). Use your three puris to sell these items when you hit max level. This will give you roughly 5M to start working with. Return to step 1: Wow! 5M > 4M => you have enough to buy your 2-stat fusion stones so you can begin (piece by piece- patience!) on your gear.
Tip 5: The AH is your friend, visit him often
1. There are certain stats/items that you should be watching out for while leveling that you will want when youre endgame. Currently the game is in a transition phase so this is less relevant.
2. Keep your eye open for unusually low-priced high dura stat i dirty accessories. You'll need them sooner or later, may as well be looking for them now!
3. If you're a rogue or scout, I highly recommend the Tempest Height set if you can find clean or stat i dirty pieces. The 5 piece (ingame) bonus is 84 dex, +15 weapon damage, 375 hp. This is better than the cyc set bonus and much easier to get than the Lyk set. It's a consideration
Tip 6: Plussing jewels and Drilling items
1. Use vendor jewels to get your armor/weapon/accessories to +2. On average this will cost 50k. Then use CS item jewels (which you can get for 800 phirius tokens) to get your items to +4. Without rubie jewels, it becomes really hard to get to +6 and expensive. Proceed beyond +4 at your own risk.
2. Let the armor drilling be the last thing you do after all the aforementioned tips. You only add very minor stats when drilling so it isn't as crucial.
Hope this guide on being frugal helps. I can guarantee that it works though. I spent $20 on Smelting, and managed to make a net total profit of 18M and 2 T7 stones when I scrapped him. (This equates to a roughly 24M total worth = 1200D =~ $50). I translate it ONLY to use a common unit and show you can increase the net worth of a character by practicing these techniques. I have never sold gear for cash and do not endorse the practice. (I didn't have time for more than one toon anymore so he had to go unfortunately).
This article's coverage of the information Create GREAT gear Guide in Runes of Magic is as complete as it can be today. But you should always leave open the possibility that future research could uncover new facts.
Guide By DStrick31488
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