11 March 2010

Runes of Magic Healing Formulas Secret

Do you ever feel like you know just enough about Healing Formulas Secret to be dangerous? Let's see if we can fill in some of the gaps with the latest info from ROM Healing Formulas experts.

See how much you can learn about ROM Healing Formulas when you take a little time to read a well-researched article? Don't miss out on the rest of this great information.

After a few hours looking at raw healing data I've come up with the formulas this game uses for its healing calculations.

Step 1: Figuring out your Healing Multiplier.
Every heal you cast is likely amplified by another skill of yours or the gear you wear by a certain percentage. The modifiers include:

F - Faith (5% - 30%)
DI - Divine Incarnation (15%)
HS - Healing Salve (5 - 17.5%)
V - Vahtos Accessory set (15%)

My first thought was the percentage multiplier for the heals would be additive, but that turned out to be false. The healing multipliers in this game are calculated in a mulitiplicative fashion. So the formula would be:

Healing Multiplier = (1 + F) x (1 + DI) x (1 + HS) x (1 + V)

Just plug in the decimal value for each percentage in the equation above to get your Healing Mulitplier (HM). For example, a Priest/Knight with max faith (30%), Divine Incarnation (15%) and the Vahtos Set (15%) healing a target without Healing Salve on would yield the following healing modifier:

HM = (1 + .30) x (1 + .15) x (1 + 0) x (1 + .15)
HM = 1.71925

If healing was additive, you would just add the various percentages and get 1.6, but since it's multiplicative, you get a hidden 11% increase in healing in this example because you multiply the percentage together.

Step 2: Figuring our your actual healing amount
Now we get into the individual calculations for each spell. Regenerate, Urgent Heal, Heal, and Group Heal all use different healing formulas to calculate how much they heal for. First, let me define the variables used in all of the equations. Basically, there are 3 main components to each equation: your healing bonus (based on your weapon), your wisdom, and the heal value on the skill itself (based on the skill level of the skill), so:

B = Healing Bonus. Read this straight off your character screen under the Magic section
W = Wisdom. How much wisdom you have.
HV = Heal Value on your skill. Just hover over the skill and read the tooltip to get this number
HM = Healing Mulitplier. This was calculated in Step 1.

Now that we have that out of the way, let us look at the formula for each spell.

Urgent Heal
Urgent Heal = HM x [(B x .66) + (W x .2) + (HV)]

Heal = HM x [2(B x .66) + 2(W x .2) + (HV)]

Group Heal
Group Heal = HM x [3(B x .66) + 3(W x .2) + (HV)]

Regenerate = HM x [.2(B x .66) + .1(W x .2) + (HV)]

Step 3: Factoring in Cure Power
Cure Power is added directly on to the final value you get from the formula above. For Urgent Heal, Heal, and Group Heal, add your cure power directly to the final value. For Regenerate, add cure power/10 to your final value.

So what do these formulas tell us?

1) The healing bonus listed in your character window is a pointless value. It is simply 75% of your magic damage. But then the formula further reduces the healing bonus in every calculation by 33%. The real effect of the staff is about 50% (49.5%) of the magic damage. That is your true Healing Bonus.

2) Upgrading your staff is more important than upgrading your wisdom! Every point of magic damage you gain is like adding 2.5 points of wisdom.

3) Group Heal outheals Heal even though the listed value in the skill tooltip is much higher. There's a hidden multiplier on the Healing Bonus and Wisdom terms for these 2 spells.

4) Wisdom isn't completely useless. 100 points of wisdom adds 20 to your urgent heal, 40 to your heal and 60 to your group heal before the multiplier is taken into effect.

5) Vahtos is far and away the best option for priest. Even more so since the healing calculations are multiplicative and not additive. The more terms you multiply together, the more of a hidden percentage you gain. This statement is extra true for P/K's who also get Divine Incarnation.

6) You should look at each formula to judge what skill level to keep each skill at. For example, let's look at a P/S with max faith and vahtos gear on. Urgent heal goes up 7 per level, so adding 20 levels to urgent heal makes your heal value go up by 140. With the healing modifier included, that adds 209 to your actual heal. It would take 700 points of wisdom to yield a similar increase.

Group Heal on the other hand goes up 13 per level, so 20 levels increases the healing by 260. You need only 433 wisdom to make up the difference here due to the hidden multiplier on the wisdom value for this spell.

7) Cure Power is a great mod, especially for non-P/K's. For a non-P/K with Vahtos and max faith, it would take 334 wisdom to equal 100 cure point on urgent heal and 111 wisdom for group heal. It would take 835 wisdom to make up for the 250 cure power bonus on the Acolyte set for Urgent Heal!

- The formula for Regenerate generally gives a number 0-3 off from the actual heal in my testing. This could be due to rounding at various points in the calculation. Not entirely sure. If anyone investigates further, let me know. It's sufficiently accurate for my purposes as it is though.

- The above formulas will give you your average heal with each spell. To get your average heal to test the formulas, I suggest casting the spell a minimum of 10 times and averaging those 10 tries.

- Heal, Urgent Heal and Group Heal all have variance on the actual amount healed. I'm unsure where the variance comes from. It seems to be a +- 1-2% variance off average in my brief look into it.

Is there really any information about ROM Healing Formulas that is nonessential? We all see things from different angles, so something relatively insignificant to one may be crucial to another.

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