11 March 2010

Runes of Magic Warrior Guide

Imagine the next time you join a discussion about Runes of Magic Warrior. When you start sharing the fascinating Runes of Magic Warrior facts below, your friends will be absolutely amazed.

Once you begin to move beyond basic background information, you begin to realize that there's more to Warrior than you may have first thought.

Warrior/Scout – Fighter

Unafraid of light weaponry, Fighters plow into the fray with little regard for injury. Masters of all combat tools, they put little faith in the magical arts. Fighters are the professional men-at-arms, soldiers, and mercenaries, trained with various weapons and armor styles.

Skills to max :
Warrior: Slash , Tactical Attack, Skull Breaker , 2h Mastery
Scout: Vampire Arrow, and Swiftness

Other Skills:

– Surprise Attack – level this one to 20 to be eligible for Shout (5 sec AOE stun)
– Aim for the Wound
– Moon Cleave and Blasting Cyclone
– Brute Strength

After maxing those, spend your TP at your discretion. You will make use of all of your elite skills. So be prepared to obtain them.

Important Information:

Strength effects ALL physical damage, including ranged.
Dexterity only effects chance to hit and dodge.

Grinding PVE: This should be fairly self-evident. But for the sake of completeness, I will address it briefly here.

Begin at 180 Range

Vampire Arrow
Aim for the Wound
Surprise Attack
Skull Breaker x2
Tactical Attack

Use Frenzy and Berserking when they’re up. Stun Shot and Throat Attack when needed.

Disclaimer: Some players claim to be able to AOE-grind as a Fighter, it’s certainly possibly. Perfected Moon Cleave, Blasting Cyclone and Whirlwind would be your best friends if that is the path you choose to take. Mobs die very quick one at a time, with zero risk. Whether or not you want to attempt AOE is completely optional.

Leveling a Fighter:


You will want to use a 2-hand weapon as a fighter, since all of the abilities the fighter uses work best with a 2-hand weapon.

Use the TP you get from the first 10-levels to increase the effectiveness of Slash and Tactical Attack.

Save the daily quests until you’re almost ready to call it for the day/night. Ideally you want to do the highest level ones youre capable of each day.


Once you hit 10, pick your secondary class (scout) and fetch yourself a ranged weapon.

I’d recommend leveling your scout to 4 immediately to obtain Vampire Arrow. Amazing skill, will make your questing much easier.

Once your Warrior half is 20 or close to it, change to Scout, and catch up your Scout to 15 (or 16 if you want Throat Attack). You want to get your 15/15 elite skill as soon as possible (Skull Breaker), as this is a class defining, and destructive grinding ability. It will make leveling infinitely easier on you.

The best way to quickly catch your scout-half up to 15 is to use the ability to port to Riefort and do the quests that the friendly Goat-People will give you.


Following the quests to 30 on your Warrior should be fairly simple. You can achieve 20 on your Scout-half in Rienfort, from there you should do daily quests and anything you skipped. Maybe even some good ol’ grinding.

Remember, you only really need to get your Scout-half to 30. 31-50 will allow you to increase the rank of abilities like Vamp Arrow, but you dont get any new abilities.

Macros: (Contributed by Bearcrazy)

Enrage -> Vampire Arrow -> Autoshot -> Shot -> Wind Arrows; while at the same time walking backward away from the target mob.

Since I often forget to cast Enrage, I developed the following macro which always check for the availability of the Enrage skill first before firing.

("5" is my Enrage. "4" is my Vampire Arrow):

/script if ( GetActionUsable(5) ) then UseAction(5); else UseAction(4); end
/wait 0.3
/script if ( GetActionUsable(4) ) then UseAction(4); else end
/wait 0.3
/cast Autoshot
/wait 0.3
/cast Shot
/wait 1.2
/cast Wind Arrows

For Warrior as main, for simplicity sake, I would only include Enrage, Vampire Arrow, Shot, Stun Shot. These would be incorporated into 2 macros.

First macro is to cast Enrage(1) -> Stun Shot(2) -> Vampire Arrow(3):

/script if (GetActionUsable(1)) then UseAction(1); else end
/wait 0.3
/script if (GetActionUsable(2)) then UseAction(2); else UseAction(3); end
/wait 1.2
/script if (GetActionUsable(3)) then UseAction(3); else UseAction(2); end

The reason for this loop around b/w VA and Stun is if a target is outside of the Stun’s rage, the macro would go for VA and then as mob come closer, hopefully close enough to use Stun.

However, if distance is still too far for stun which happens a lot since I usually walk backward as soon as I fire off, we have the second macro.

The second macro involves double if’s and stun shot(2), VA(3) and wind arrows(4):

/script if (GetActionUsable(2)) then UseAction(2); elseif (GetActionUsable(3)) then UseAction(3); else UseAction(4); end
/wait 1.2
/script if (GetActionUsable(3)) then UseAction(3); else UseAction(4); end

These two macros are overlapped this way to ensure stun shot and vampire arrow will be casted.


Warrior Primary Skill List:

Frenzy Greatly increases attack speed, accuracy, and damage for 15 seconds.
Probing Attack Causes 70…280% main hand weapon DPS and can make the target Vulnerable.
Soft Spot When the target is Vulnerable this brute force attack causes 110…440% main hand weapon DPS to the target and Weakens it.
Tactical Attack Inflicts 45…180% main hand weapon DPS and additional damage if target is affected by a Bleed effect caused by Slash. (Requires a two-handed weapon.)
Thunder To be used when the target is in Weakened state. Causes 130…520% main hand weapon DPS with an additional 2…6 second Stun. (Requires a one-hand weapon.)
FeintAfter the enemy dodges, 80…280% main hand weapon DPS are once inflicted on the target.
Surprise AttackThe Surprise Attack causes 16.4…180.4 physical damage, additionally Knocking down the target. (Must have a distance of at least 60 from the target.)
Taunt Forces the target to turn towards you for 5…17.5 seconds.
Moon Cleave Attack multiple targets within range three times. Each attack inflicts 40…160% main hand weapon DPS. (Requires a two-handed weapon) **(See Elite Skills List for upgraded version)**
Shout Stuns up to 5 targets in a range of 90 for3 seconds.
One-Hand Weapon Master Increase damage with one-handed swords, axes, or hammers by 5…40%.
2-H Weapon Master Increase damage with two-handed swords, axes, or hammers by 5…35%.
Terror Force an enemy to flee for 4…14 seconds.
Aggressiveness Enhances speed of rage increase by 20…70% for 30 seconds.
Survival Instinct Can only be used when HP is below 25%. Increases defense by 25…87.5%, raises the chance of dodging by 5…17.5% and increases parry rate by 5…17.5 for 30 seconds.
Group Taunt Taunts most targets within range to target the player; lasts 4…14 seconds.
Blasting Cyclone Causes 100…350% main hand weapon DPS to multiple targets within range and Knocks targets down.

Warrior General Skill List:

Slash Inflicts 80…320% main hand weapon DPS to the target with an additional chance to add Bleed effect. (Bleed effect only with equipped axe.)
Enraged Immediately increase rage by 20 points.
Whirlwind Whirling in place you cause 70…280% main hand weapon DPS to the targets within range.
Berserk Increases attacks by 3…33% and decreases defense by 3…33% for 30 seconds.
Defensive Formation Increases defense of all group members by 5…55% and decreases offense by 5…55% for 60 seconds.
Brute Strength Increases strength by 10…60 points.

Scout General Skill List:
Bow Training Can equip bows and crossbows
Shot Fires one shot at the target causing 70…297.5% ranged weapon DPS.
Vampire Arrows Inflicts 23.5…240.9 points of damage and additionally draws 16…416 HP every 2 seconds for 10 seconds.
Joint Blow Causes 16.4…180.4 points of physical damage and Slows the target by 40% for 4…10 seconds.
Blood Arrow For 60 seconds, every 2 seconds your HP are reduced by 2…8% and the physical attack of your ranged weapons is increased by 10…35%. (Right click the Buff icon to stop effect.)
Throat Attack Causes 16.4…180.4 physical damage and interrupts the target’s spell casting.
Wrist Attack Damage dealt by the target is decreased by 30% for 5 seconds.
Swiftness Dexterity increases by 10…60 points.
Speed Shooting Mastery The speed of bows and crossbows is increased by 10…35%.

Warrior/Scout (Fighter) Elite Skills List:

Skull Breaker (15/15) Precise strike at the enemy’s head that causes 80…300% main hand weapon DPS and has a 50% chance of lowering the target’s accuracy by 10…60%.
Stun Shot (20/20) Causes your target to be Stunned for seconds. (Requires ranged weapon.)
Moon Cleave Perfection (25/25) Reduces your Moon Cleave rage cost by 10 points and cool down by 20 seconds.
Moon Cleave (25/25) Attack targets within range three times, each attack inflicts 40…160% main hand weapon DPS. (Requires 2-handed weapon)
Aim for the Wound (30/30) Inflict 70…280% ranged weapon DPS. Has a chance of gaining additional 5…30 points of rage. (Requires a ranged weapon.)

Obtaining Elite Skills:

Once both your Warrior and Scout halves are 15, you go to Veranas administration area, and talk to the [Elite Skills Master].

Tell him you want to learn your 15/15 Elite skill. He will give you a list of mats you need to bring to him. Purchase the mats from the auction house, bring them back to him.

Once you bring him the mats, he will give you a certificate. Turn the certificate back into him and you will have your elite skill.

Source: http://forum.us.runesofmagic.com/

@Warrior Info skill and Equipment

No warrior would ever back away from an honorable fight.

They are skilled in the use of the deadliest weapons and always strive to become better and stronger. They are proficient in all close combat techniques so that they can emerge gloriously from the toughest of struggles.

Every victory though has to be earned in an honorable way. Attacks from behind an opponent’s back and other unfair means are taboo. The prospect of an upcoming fight does not arouse fear in the heads of the sturdy warriors, but instills a sense of honor and the will to victory.

Warriors do not care about their enemies, because they aim to surpass themselves in each battle.

* Attribute
o Strength: 28
o Dexterity: 23
o Constitution: 26
o Intelligence: 10
o Wisdom: 17

* Icon Specifics Warriors are truly masters in the use of arms, and can handle every close combat weapon while also being able to wear all kinds of armors, even magnificent chain mail.

Driven by their battle rage they try to upset the enemy with special combinations of strikes and blows and to increase the momentum of their attacks.

They can also channel their rage into passive abilities to strengthen themselves or to provoke opponents and to scare them with an impressive display of their fury – so terrifying that weaker minds take flight in panic.

Ultimately the class combinations broaden their skills into various arrays. To inflict massive physical damage in close combat will always remain their primal strength though.

Skilled warriors keep the overall situation in mind at all times and know when they can break loose in battle, draw the wrath of their enemies upon themselves or take a back seat.

* Title
o Fighter
o »
o Warrior
o »
o Berserker
o »
o Destroyer

o Arms
o 1H Sword
o Dagger
o Wand
o 1H Axe
o Mace
o 2H Sword
o 2H Staff
o 2H Axe
o 2H Hammer
o Bow
o Crossbow
o Projectiles
o Armor
o Robes
o Cloth
o Leather
o Chain
o Plate
o Shield

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