When you think about ROM PVE, what do you think of first? Which aspects of PVP are important, which are essential, and which ones can you take or leave? You be the judge.
If you don't have accurate details regarding PVE in ROM Especialy for Druid Char, then you might make a bad choice on the subject. Don't let that happen: keep reading.
Solo PvE
The druid is really awesome at this, as with any class with heals that has the capability to do decent damage (P/S comes to mind). You can keep yourself HoT'd and use Briar Entwinement + Earth arrow to do some pretty good damage. Not as dps-heavy as mage, but it's still good enough to solo and level quite fast. We do have a little bit of an AoE game as well, with Summon Sandstorm becoming available at lv46 (a bit late, but still). Again, it's no mage T-storm, but it's good at what it does for the cost of 4NP. Our nuke 'Mother Nature's Wrath' is a very powerful spell+DoT, but with a cost of all of our existing (10)NP, use it in a situation where NP is not really needed (solo play, pretty much. no pressure to use NP-consuming heals, and earth arrow builds NP pretty steadily). Also, curing seed gives you an instant 2NP right off the bat for some mana, use that to your advantage.
Group PvE (instance)
Taken from a few NoM/cyclops runs. I'll update this as I start to run Kalin/IDK etc.
NP MANAGEMENT IS CRUCIAL HERE!!!!I've run as a support DPS + backup heals, and as the primary healer. As a support DPS, you can do some damage for sure, but you definitely can't take the healer out of the druid. use Earth arrow when you can to build up NP, and assist the primary healer with HoTs and the occasional restore life (also a NP gainer). You'll want to stock up on a LOT of mana though (and transmute wisdom stats if necessary to increase mana pool). I would refrain from using Mother Nature's Wrath in instances, at least not unnecessarily, because NP becomes a luxury when you're in a group situation where our group heal (mother nature's fountain) may be needed in a pinch.
Now, as a full healer, BE CAREFUL. don't jump in and start using mother nature's fountain off the bat, because you're gonna need every digit of those 10NPs. Try your best to use single target heal (restore life) and keep HoT on tank, with the occasional recover for added regen. With both HoTs, you'll free up some time to target other members and keep them alive. Mother Nature's fountain is somewhat risky to use as well, because it only heals 4 people, but it is instant, so you'll want to keep your NP high in case its absolutely necessary. It is not truly spammable, and keep in mind it doesn't heal as high in numbers as the priest's group heal. Also, you don't have soul bond, you don't have soul source, you don't have holy aura. Your only means of protecting yourself are mother earth's protection and rock protection. Level up rock protection in case you pull too much aggro and know you're going to die otherwise, it'll give you a few seconds of near-invincibility so your tank/offtank can steal back aggro. Mother earth's protection is can be cast on others as well, so if your tank is in trouble, you know what to do.
another tip for instance play, DON'T MULTITASK! know your limits, and be prepared for any situation. Don't fire off Mother Nature's Wrath and expect to have enough NP to instantly use Mother Earth's Fountain, because you won't. Though priests don't have our variety of DPSing capabilities, they're relatively safe to play as. We have fewer ways of protecting ourselves, and if you're in a group, primary healing, and you've just exhausted your NP with curing seed on cooldown, you're gonna have to watch someone die. Prevent the situation, think ahead. You have time to think between your HoTs.
There's a lot to understand about Druid PVE. We were able to provide you with some of the facts above, but there is still plenty more to write about in subsequent articles.
Original Guide is courtesy of DStrick31488.
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