free-to-play turn-based MMORPG, Atlantica Online, will be receiving a major update this December, featuring a new dungeon and more for its players.
The update will add the Ancient Lava Valley, a place guarded by Flame Guardians and only accessible by a party of up to 3 and who are at least level 125. The new instance will reward a Magma Essence Box, containing precious items including soul stones and jewels.
Secret of the Volcano Patch Notes
o Legend tells of an abundance of hidden treasures within Ancient Lava Valley, but no adventurers have been able to defeat the Flame Guardians protecting it.
o Defeat the Flame Guardians and claim the treasure hunt for yourself.
o Ancient Lava Valley can be entered by players who are Lvl. 125 and above.
o Up to 3 people can enter, and the number of mercenaries in battle is 9 including the main character.
o Ancient Lava Valley is run in TBS, and defeating all monsters within the given time limit will earn you the [Magma Essence] Box as a reward.
o The [Magma Essence] Box will yield various precious items, like soul stones and jewels.
o The dungeon key can be obtained from Troy reward boxes.
o Solo Mode was added to the Trojan War TBS Missions.
o Players can start missions by talking to the Trojan War NPC's [Primus, Medius, Terminus, and Latus].
o The difficulty level of the mobs is lower than in normal battles. Players cannot bring friends into these battles.
o Speed upgrades increased by Speed by 2. Players in Solo Mode can enjoy fast-paced action.
o Attack Power upgrades offer a higher Attack boost.
o Attack Power upgrades are as follows: Level 1:20%, Level 2:30%, Level 3:50%.
o The interface was revamped.
o The Mission entry UI has been redesigned.
o Speed, Attack, and Magic range is now more clearly displayed on the battlefield grid.
o Active and Selected character indicators have been changed.
o Character names and health bars were enlarged.
o Characters are now selected by clicking the floor tile under the character, instead of clicking the character model.
o When the cursor is over a floor tile, the tile will turn [Gray] if empty, [Yellow-Green] if the tile is reachable while moving, and Red if the tile is in range while attacking.
o The camera angle in TBS battles was changed.
o The camera’s range of possible vertical angles has been modified.
o The field of vision for the camera has been narrowed, but the zoom out distance has been increased.
o When the player clicks a TBS Guide NPC for the Trojan War, the topmost TBS room will automatically be selected.
o The selected TBS room will be marked in yellow.
o The background of the status window that appears when hovering the cursor over a character has become fainter.
o When the cursor is placed over the weather display, a simple description tool tip will appear.
o One-line alert messages will appear and disappear in a slightly faster manner.
o The locations of ally buildings have been added to the Troy maps in Field Info.
o In order to make it easier to determine the location of the next objective in the [Reversal] mission, visual effects will appear over the entire map.
o The Retreat button in the command window that appears when the Base Camp is selected has been moved to the same position as that of other buildings.
o When a TBS Guide NPC for the Trojan War is clicked, the "Current Mission” sub-menu used to come up. These have been renamed to "Current.”
o When a character destroys a building, the name of the main character will appear even if it’s a mercenary who destroyed the building.
o The flashing effect next to the End Action button after a move was modified.
o When a building is attacked with multiple hits, damage will now appear for every attack.
o If a character is surrounded so he cannot move, the attack grid will automatically appear.
o The issue of the move grid not appearing when a character kills a monster while surrounded was fixed.
o When a TBS Mission countdown timer is skipped using the Start button, some effects did not appear properly. This issue has been fixed.
o There was a problem where placing the cursor over another character while the status window was open would immediately show the status of the new character. This issue has been fixed.
o The active ally mark was modified for better visibility.
o The HP bar of allied characters was modified for better visibility.
o The end of turn mark was modified for better visibility.
o The mob attack rates of the following Skirmish dungeons were lowered:
o Sanctum of Death, Ruined Labyrinth, Sanctum of Eternal Sleep, Shogun Secret Garden, Kriemhild's Forest, Tundra Outskirts, Deserted Hall
o At the end of a Skirmish, only the Skirmish Result Window will appear.
o The small EXP window was removed.
o In a Skirmish dungeon, the user can go into the next Skirmish even when the Skirmish Result Window is still up.
o The camera position is saved at the end of a Skirmish.
o The shortcut key P (the Auto-Move button) was disabled for Skirmishes.
o Healers will now resurrect dead mercenaries while using auto-battle in a Skirmish.
o There was an issue where auto-battle cannot be canceled if there is one auto-battle remaining while using auto-battle in a Skirmish. This issue has been fixed.
o In a Skirmish involving party members, there was an issue where the auto-battle count of the party member who is using auto-battle would increase if the party member who initiated the skirmish used manual battle. This issue has been fixed.
o Average melee attack power was increased. Damage based on the weapon strength and weakness system was made more distinct. The following melee weapons deal extra damage as follows:
o Sword > Spear, Spear > Axe, Axe > Power Saw, Power Saw> Sword.
o Average ranged attack power was increased as well. Damage based on the weapon strength and weakness system was made more distinct. The following melee weapons deal extra damage as follows:
o Bow > Cannon, Cannon > Gun, Gun > Instrument, Instrument > Bow
o Damage dealt by sword attacks against ranged characters was slightly increased.
o Damage dealt by spear attacks against ranged characters was slightly increased.
o Damage dealt by melee attacks against staff characters was significantly decreased.
o Damage dealt by staff attacks against melee characters was significantly increased.
o Damage dealt by instrument attacks against magic characters was slightly increased.
o Damage dealt by gun and cannon attacks against melee characters was decreased.
o Damage dealt by bow and instrument attacks against melee characters was increased.
o An adjustment was made so that characters of the same weapon type have equal damage adjustments against each other.
o Previously, spear, axe, and power saw attacks unintentionally gave high damage to magic characters. This issue has been fixed.
o The magic abilities of mercenaries in TBS were changed as follows.
o The damage of combo magic was changed so that magic skills with longer cool down are stronger.
o The damage of combo magic skills, like Divine Slash, Destructive Wind, and Bursting Beam, was increased.
o The area of the following magic has been increased to 5x5:
o [Freezing Atmosphere, Blazing Earth] [Mana Seal, Seal Staff] [Seal Instrument, Seal Power Saw, Broken Arrows] [The 4 Signets] [Shattered Sword, Broken Spear, Rusty Axe, Sundered Power Saw]
o The damage of the following magic was increased:
o Flame Sword, Chaos Edge, Lightning Spear, Flame Spear, Arrow Cascade, Devastation Shell, Flame Blow, Requiem, Chainsaw Blade, Evanescent Scud, Destructive Wind, Bursting Beam, Beast Summon, Meteor Strike, Bomb Attack, Summon Machine, Light Slash, Divine Slash, Blood Vengeance, Freezing Atmosphere, and Blazing Earth.
o The issue of [Hwarang's Aura] not affecting Artillerymen in the Trojan War has been fixed.
o Battle Contribution given for using HP recovery magic was increased.
o Battle Contribution is also given when a character is attacked by a monster.
o When attacked, melee characters receive much more Battle Contribution than ranged and magic characters.
o The attack power of the mobs was decreased.
o The one-line event alert message box was revised.
o If there are two or more events that are currently in progress, all of the events are displayed.
o The minimum level required to enter the Troy dungeons was slightly increased.
o [Scouting Party] and [Base Defense] level requirements have not changed.
o In the Trojan War, the player is now able to upgrade, manufacture, and destroy vehicles during the enemy's turn.
o The shortcut icon for the Base Camp was repositioned in Troy Missions.
o It is now above the command window at the bottom-right corner of the screen.
o Damage to all buildings has been increased.
o Bonus time is added upon completion of the last objective in all Trojan War Missions to prevent players from running out of time after the mission is finished.
o The issue of HP being recovered when the player attacks an enemy with a vehicle has been fixed.
o The issue of the 'Fail' message appearing from time to time has been fixed.
o This was an issue because the message said "Fail" after an item was properly obtained.
o [Enraged Achilles] and [Philoctetes] have increased defense and health.
o The issue of dialogue events suddenly stopping from time to time has been fixed.
o Characters riding a Galley can now get off on stepping stones.
o However, they cannot get off if the stepping stones are flooded.
o An incorrect message used to be displayed if the character clicked 'Get Off' as soon as he got on the Galley. This issue has been fixed.
o When Trojan War Missions are failed due to time running out, the battle will not end right away. It will end just like other types of failures.
o When two characters attack a building simultaneously, the second character will no longer try to attack the building if the first character destroyed it.
o Ranged characters will now take the shortest route available when ordered to attack an enemy without being manually moved first.
o Characters will not use potions if their health is at 100% while in auto-battle.
o Some parts of the [Training Ground] Mission were modified.
o The 'mission in progress' sound effect was added.
o Some of the mission dialogue was modified.
o The Vehicle Bay was removed.
o The number of turns to learn Training Materials was reduced.
o [Athena]’s dialogue window now appears properly in [Last Stand].
o [Scouting Party] was modified so that the final boss would appear only after the previous objective was completed.
o [Saving Helen] can be successfully completed even if the [Trojan Horse] does not enter the final staging area.
o In [Troy's Last Battle], [Gatekeepers] are now placed when their related objective is triggered.
o When attacking [Polyxena] and [King Priam] in [Troy's Last Battle], players can now see the position of the targets on the map.
o [Goddess' Rage] can be won only if the objectives are completed.
o A new event step was added to the [Trojan Flamethrower].
o The number of Wood Stockades that appear in [Trojan Flamethrower] was reduced.
o The Defense, Health, and Level of [Polydamas], the boss mob in [Trojan Flamethrower], were increased.
o The Help message for the Trojan War has been modified.
o The Health and Defense of the allied Dock in [Reversal] were increased.
o Pirates can now learn a new magic skill, [Marauder's Edge].
o Marauder's Edge passively increases Attack Power and Multi-Hit Rate for allied sword mercenaries.
o Effects for the following spells, scrolls, and traps were modified.
o Toxic Sword, Hallucination, Mana Seal, Hell Flame, Holy Guard, Hwarang's Fury, War Cry, Mana Trap, Arrest, and Storm Blast.
o Flame Trap effect, Net Trap effect, and Scroll of Mana Piercing.
o Multiple passive skills can now be triggered at the same time when attacking.
o Ex. If a Power Saw main equips the White Dragon Wings, both Storm Blast and White Dragon Fang can be triggered at the same time.
o The Champion’s [Athena's Protection] magic is now applied to all sword mercenaries.
o The range of the Champion’s [Shield Bash] magic has been increased in TBS.
o The Champion’s [Athena’s Protection] magic now has a range of two cells from the caster in TBS.
o Originally, the range was 1 cell.
o The Defense of the following monsters was lowered.
o Enraged Parrot, Enraged Owl, Enraged Harpy, Enraged Eagle, Enraged Pterosaur, Angry Bat, Enraged Ice Bat, Enraged Keysha, and Enraged Juwoo.
o The scroll use count now refills properly when fighting the following box-type monsters:
o Box with Memories, Sealed Box, Suspicious Explosives Box, Suspicious Machinery Box, and Unidentified Detector Box.
o The monsters on the 1st floor of Constantinople will re-spawn at a set interval.
o Monster reinforcement rate was decreased in Yggdrasil. Trolls now include other types of monsters in their formations.
o Monster reinforcement rate was decreased in Adlivun Bio-Factory. Servants now include other types of monsters in their formations.
o The potency of the Crystal Guard spell Demon Smash was decreased.
o Mummy Magicians in the Valley of the Kings will no longer revive after dying.
o [Dainty Beauty], a monster in the [Robber's Hideout] Skirmish Dungeon, now has silence immunity.
o The difficulty level of monsters in the [Forest of Spirits] was modified.
o The potency of the Evil Tree spell Forest’s Rage was decreased.
o The number of monsters accompanying the mid boss [Mutated Tree] and the difficulty level of the mobs were lowered.
o The difficulty level of the monsters accompanying the mid boss [Hell Scout] was lowered.
o The number of [Rabeil]s, the tutorial area monster, was reduced.
o The max number of mobs within a formation for the following Forest of Spirit mobs was changed from 4 to 3[Sky Spirit, Evil Sky Spirit, Hell Soldier, Hell Warrior].
o The magic damage for the following Forest of Spirit mobs was reduced Polluted Unicorn and Evil Tree.
o Feast buff magic from My Home used to be triggered from time to time in competition. This issue has been fixed.
o There was an issue where the player could not find an opponent or a Doppelganger in competition from time to time. This issue has been fixed.
o The [Mutated Toad], a Bulguksa Sub-quest, was added.
o Speak with [Moryang-ri Villager] in the Lotus Flower Garden of Bulguksa to begin the quest.
o Help a villager who came all the way from Moryang-ri to Bulguksa in search of her son.
o The quest is available for players level 112 and higher.
o The [Abandoned Child], a Lijiang Woman's Village Sub-quest, was added.
o Speak with [Gwang Liang] near the entrance to Lijiang Woman's Village to begin the quest.
o Learn the story of Gwang Liang, who was abandoned at birth.
o The quest is available for players level 115 and higher.
o The [Ruler of Asia] and the [Lost Moonlight Orb], Juzhaigou Ghost Town sub-quests, were added.
o Speak with [Fei Yue] near the entrance to Juzhaigou Ghost Town to begin the quest.
o Help [Fei Yue] thwart the schemes of [Tan Lian], who is raising an army of monsters to invade Asia, and discover the lost [Moonlight Orb], a precious Exorcist treasure.
o [Ruler of Asia] is available for players level 115 and higher. [Lost Moonlight Orb] is available for players level 122 and higher.
o The [Trojan War] main quest was added to [Officer Odysseus].
o Learn the detailed story behind the Trojan War.
o The quest is available for players level 130 and higher.
o Each quest can now be reset once per day through [Hui Chao], as opposed to resetting any one quest per day.
o An additional monk recruitment quest was added to [Hulin].
o The following rewards were added to the [Dream of the Continent] quests (can be obtained from [Grenville])The reward for the [Lost Bridge Blueprint] quest is [Locked Parlor Key] x2.
o The reward for the [Prompt Communication] quest is [Stationmaster's Office Key] x2.
o Skirmishes can now count towards the quest condition 'Win with 2 merc. disabled.’
o Tutorial quests and the TBS tutorial have been changed.
o Championship victories now count towards quests that require you to win competitions.
o [Officer Odysseus]'s [Troy Side Missions] quest reset period has been changed from Friday to Thursday.
o Each level of [Officer Odysseus]'s [Troy Side Missions] repeating quest has been increased by 3 according to the dungeon level increase.
o [Officer Odysseus]'s [Troy Side Missions] quest level restrictions have been changed.
o Fleeing Betrayer 101, Goddess' Rage 111, Flamethrower 121
o [Goncourt] can now trade in some additional experience books.
o 10 Books of Exp[Adv] -> 1 Book of Highest Exp
o 10 Books of Highest Exp -> 1 Ancient Skill Book
o [Goncourt]’s experience book trade fee has been changed.
o 10 Small Experience Books -> 1 Regular Experience Book1,000 Gold
o 10 Regular Experience Books -> 1 Book of Experience [Adv.]10,000 Gold
o 10 Books of Experience [Adv.] -> 1 Book of Highest Experience100,000 Gold
o 10 Books of Highest Exp -> 1 Ancient Skill Book1,000,000 Gold
o Stationery items are now sold at a fixed price in the market.
o However, some advanced stationery items can only be obtained through crafting.
o The methods to obtain Growth Vial [III] have changed.
o Growth Vial [III] found in the treasure chests from Ornate Treasure Map has been substituted with Secret Material Chest.
o Growth Vial [III] can be crafted through Medicine crafting.
o Secret Material Chests can be obtained from regular monsters in Marksburg, Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huangdi, and Golden Dragon's Cave.
o The contents of the [Victorious Treasure Chest], which is acquired as a drop item from the Trojan War, have been changed.
o The general value of the items that can be obtained from the box has been increased.
o Crazy Desert Eagles/Cursed Eagles no longer drop [Secret Material Chest].
o Some of the crafting materials for Depraved equipment have been changed.
o Therefore, the unit price of Depraved equipment has been reduced.
o [Oil] was added as a crafting material for [Adamantium] and [Adamantium Ingot].
o [Refined Oil] was added as a crafting material for [Enriched Adamantium Ingot].
o With new materials being added, the required quantity of existing materials was reduced.
o Secret Vial of Potential [II] has been added.
o This potion can convert up to 60 Skill Potential to Skill Points.
o This potion can be made through Medicine crafting.
o The fixed market rate of stationery items has been reduced.
o Magic book for [Marauder's Edge], the new Pirate magic, has been added.
o BookMarauder's Edge [I] can be exchanged with Goncourt Points from Jules de Goncourt.
o Some drop items from tutorial monsters [Rabeil, Rabalis, and Rabalus] have been changed.
o Some item tool-tips have been edited.
o Some items with time restrictions that were still effective after their expiration date will be changed to expired status.
o A Trading Post was added to Jakarta, and some town trading items have changed.
o Homes now have stables.
o Users can place mounts registered in their Mount Book in their stable at home.
o Stabled mounts still earn Collection Points.
o The mount in use is automatically displayed in the stable.
o Facility collection success rate has increased.
o The quantity of items obtained has been changed.
o My Home employee's skill training fee has been reduced.
o Employees’ crafting effectiveness has been enhanced.
o My Home chat command, /h, has been added.
o The My Home Decor item [Bobbing Plant] has been enlarged to 1.5 times its original size.
o The issue of mercenaries in My Home and mercenaries in the Merc. Room not being able to be swapped has been fixed.
o The issue of collection items sent to the homeowner being stored in storage with 0 Durability has been fixed.
o When there is only storage with 0 Durability, it costs a fee to store collection items harvested by other players.
o The Mailbox has been changed.
o Mail date has been changed to reflect real time.
o Received mail will only be saved in the mailbox for a set duration.
o Mail from before the patch will receive a 180 day duration starting September 7, 2010.
o The Group Mail System has been improved. When the recipient's mailbox is full, the mail will bounce back to the sender's mailbox.
o The issue of the sender's name not being displayed on some received mail has been fixed:
o My Home moving reimbursement, Guild Meetings, Mentoring Rewards
o Users can now add up to 100 friends to their Friends List.
o The [Item Mall] icon has been added to the right side of the screen.
o The icons on the right side of the screens have been rearranged.
o The [Challenge] icon will only display when a Challenge is issued.
o [Challenge] has been added to the [Community] drop-down menu.
o The default loot distribution method when forming a party is now [Random].
o When a new party leader is set, his or her name is now displayed in the system message window.
o Players can now whisper each other through the Squad menu.
o After a Guild Leader change, 24 hours must pass before a new Guild Leader can be appointed.
o Failure to display guilds without a guild leader on the nation community list has been fixed.
o Failure to record final guild member login date info (when joining a guild) has been fixed.
o When a Challenge is issued in Titan, you can no longer obtain coins.
o Squad info is now reset when moving to Titan.
o Key Storage Collection Book has been added.
o A Key stored in Key Storage will automatically be used when you enter a region that requires that key.
o Ind./Guild/Nation/Squad Dungeon Keys can be used by right-clicking the key in Key Storage.
o Key help section has been added.
o Users can change to the Maniac class through [Divine Deity] in the Bazaar in Rome.
o However, only characters who were created as Maniacs can change to the Maniac class.
o [Howard Carter]’s appraisal/sale process has been modified.
o Now, item appraisal and sale occur simultaneously.
o When users enhance their skill level through a Craft/Life Skill NPC, the Learn Skill window will remain open.
o This is to make it more convenient when gaining multiple skill levels at once.
o Quit UI has been modified.
o Users can select a different server or character without having to re-login by using the [Select Server] or [Select Character] buttons.
o You can see what Activities you have left to do for the day.
o A search window has been added to Encyclopedia > Field Info.
o You can search for specific sections within a dungeon.
o Colors have been added to denote trading price units.
o ten million pink / hundred million bright yellow green / billion light sky blue / ten billion deep yellow / hundred billion deep red
o This has been applied to the Gold input/confirm section of personal trade, my store, market, mailbox, and quiz room.
o Improvements have been made so that users can move to and from all maps in each dungeon more easily through the World Map.
o Character name now appears in the drop-down that appears when you right-click a character.
o The Fame Point requirement to enter some dungeons has been removed.
o Number of characters in each server is displayed in the server selection window.
o Skill Potential has increased from 30 to 60.
o There are now up to 4 [Leviathans] in Titan at a time.
o The Sheriff's basic attack and Arrest animations have been modified to appear more natural.
o The Oracle no longer uses [Blessing of Life] magic in some formations at the Sparring Hall.
o This issue affected the Lvl.109 Maniac and Lvl.119 Maniac opponents.
o Recommended levels of Trojan War Missions, found under Encyclopedia>Field Info, have been changed.
o [Saving Helen] Lvl.120 -> Lvl.125
o [Troy's Last Battle] Lvl. 120 -> Lvl. 125
o A section on the Mailbox has been added to Help.
o Appearance of [Solicitor Antonio] near Hanging Gardens of Babylon has been changed.
o Appearance of [Dispatcher Sryla] near Kathmandu has been changed.
o Appearance of [Dispatcher Mario] near Berlin has been changed.
o Appearance of [Solicitor Alex] near Bran Castle has been changed.
o Appearance of [Vasco da Gama] near Lisbon has been changed.
o Appearance of [Bi Hyung Rang], who teaches Charm, has been changed.
o Appearance of [Stradivari], who teaches Instrument, has been changed.
o Appearance of [Shakespeare] near the Gate in Rome has changed.
o Appearance of [Collector Barteau] who trades Historia Seals has been changed.
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