Summoners spread disease and mayhem everywhere they go. They also function as psudo-Healers using their knowledge of death to heal their allies. They also command powerful demonic allies to aid them in battle. Play a summoner if you want to kill your enemies with powerful contagions and vampiric life sucking attacks.
Many of the summoners powerful spells require blood to be cast. Blood can be gained by casting other spells that suck the life from your foes.
Pros: They can do little bit of everything. They can fear their enemies away while devestating them with powerful contagions and impeding their movements or they can help keep everyone alive in dire situations. They also can command different pets that adhere to different playstyles.
Cons: In general they seem to have taken on a support role for now which may not appeal to many gamers. the class recently went through a significant change.
Roles: Hybrid Healer/Dps, Ranged and AoE Dps.
---Allods Online Summoner Guide---
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