You can get Rox in a few ways. Each day, you can play Challenge Puzzles by clicking the puzzle button in your room. You can only play them once a day, but they're a really good way to get Rox. Rox are the Moshi Monsters equivalent of money. You can see how many you have on the Rox icon to the left of the screen. To spend your Rox, head to the street by clicking on the map button. From here, you can get to all the different shops.
Once you click into a shop you can browse what's on sale and select an item to learn more about it. Each shop's selection is always changing, so keep checking back! Once you buy an item, it will appear in your monster's inventory chest.
You can earn more by playing around Monstro City. Flex your fingers in the power station or the flutterby fields and rack up those Rox.
How to get a rox plant plant any 2 seads and wait till they fully grow then plant a third leav the moshling gardns and go straight back in if there is a small blue thing insted of your plant dont dig it up put your mouse over it and it will say dig up this rox plant/ but dont dig it up let it grow.
Free roxs:
Plant three magic beans and than wait until they are grown that when you take
they out you will get 100 roxs for each planet.
Free rox:
Plant 3 magice beans. Once they have fully grown, dig them up. The rox can range
from 1 - 100 depending on your monsters health(if ur monsters health is low you'll
get a low amount of rox etc.)
How to get more rox:
This only works if you are a moshi member.
When u go 2 the port you have rox trees. To get the rox of the tree just click on the
tree. Once uve shaken them all but still don't have enough rox, sign out then sign in
again. If u go back into the port the rox will be back on the trees!
---Get rox on moshi monsters FAST---
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