Allods Online Class Build Guide - All of us have seen this question asked over and over again, and the simple answer is the best class for you to play is one that fits your play style. If you want to be a master of PvP then maybe Healer is the choice for you. If you want to be tough as nails and be the best tank you can be then maybe Paladin or Warrior is the best choice for you.
In order to make this choice easier I'll list a basic rundown of each class followed by their pros and cons, and what roles each class can fit into. (Initial Descriptions from the Allods Class/Archetype section of the Allods website)
Regarding Roles: I broke them down into multiple parts Hybrid, DPS (Ranged or Melee), Tank, Off-Tank and Support. I'll give a description of each.
Allods Online DPS stands for damage per second and is what describes a class that deals primarily in damage. There are three types; Ranged, Melee. and AoE. Ranged is obviously from afar, you don't get up close and personal usually. Melee is right on the front line. And AoE stands for area of effect, which usually includes big spells that hit multiple targets, or powerful arching weapon attacks.
Allods Online Tank and off tank are typically defenders, they spend their time mitigating damage and protecting others. An Off-Tank is usually a hybrid (I'll discuss that later.), this means you will normally help out the Tank with certain fights that would normally be too difficult for one Tank to manage.
Allods Online Healers are the backbone of every party. You keep everyone alive with a multitude of spells ranging from HoT's (Heal over time) to AoE's (Area of Effect). They are probably the most sought after role for any instance, raid or party event.
Allods Online Support class is someone that usually has healing abilities but can't heal a party on their own. They also often have many Crowd Control effects that can help do anything from keeping monsters at bay to making the unable to use any abilities.
Allods Online Hybrid classes are a mix of two roles. It'll be someone that can dps and heal, but won't do either nearly as well as someone focused on a single area, or It'll be someone that can tank and dps, and so on.
---Allods Online Class Guide---
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